Friday, November 12, 2010

Last Golden Days

We are trying to cram as much as we can into these last few nice weather days.  We have had cold mornings and super warm afternoons.  Yesterday the kids got each other soaking wet with the garden hose, and Iris found it appropriate to run around naked in the hottest part of the day.

Here is a brief list of things we should really do in the next 3 days, as "arctic" temps will be here by Monday, so they say.

-finish building wood shed
-wash and hang all laundry- broken dryer that we don't like to use anyway!
-take all trash and recyclables to dump, we always seem to have a pile of it!  still some lefrt from the growing season, when we become a household of 8-10 depending on the day
-put away all garden supplies, trays, tools, bins and baskets
-pick up detritus from yard and surrounding areas
-cut firewood
-harvest more carrots and beets to store

I know I am leaving many things out, like hike in the woods, play by the river, ride horses....
What am I doing in the house at my computer?!!??

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