Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shout Out to my Girl Iris!

Iris Pearl is turning four today!  Happy Birthday Iris, my love!  So I thought I'd treat you to a story about her.  There are so many to choose from, but this one is fresh in my mind.

Last night we were eating dinner (homemade sourdough tortillas with pinto bean, beef, rice, cheese and tomatoes from the freezer, arugala and spinach salad from the garden with pomegranate and toasted nuts) when the topic of the pigs came up.  They are coming to the end of their time with us and we were discussing when we would butcher them.  Iris didn't hear what was said, and if you know Iris, you know she will not stop asking until she knows what was said. The conversation went something like this:

Iris: "What's going to happen?"
Me: "We were just talking about what is going to happen to the piggies.  You know we are going to butcher them and eat them, right?  Are you okay with that?"
Iris:  Long pause, and with all seriousness, "Not Pumpkin.  I don't want to butcher Pumpkin."
Large outburst of laughter around the table.  Pumpkin is Iris's cat.
Me:"No honey, not the kitties, the piggies!"
Iris: "OOHHHH, cause I was gonna say, I don't want to butcher all the cats.  But we could butcher Suki though."

And for those of you who know Suki...
If you are served stew the next time you are here for dinner, just don't ask what's in it.

                                                                                          Smiley Face by Iris

Tessa eating up the last autumn sun
The Birthday girl making muffins for "school"

always plenty to do round here

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Steve will come back from the grave and haunt you if you touch Suki!!!
